Ferenc Krausz
Ferenc Krausz has authored 366 papers that have received a total of 34.5k indexed citations.
This includes 327 papers in Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics, 158 papers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and 110 papers in Nuclear and High Energy Physics. The topics of these papers are Laser-Matter Interactions and Applications (289 papers), Advanced Fiber Laser Technologies (226 papers) and Laser-Plasma Interactions and Diagnostics (110 papers). Ferenc Krausz is often cited by papers focused on Laser-Matter Interactions and Applications (289 papers), Advanced Fiber Laser Technologies (226 papers) and Laser-Plasma Interactions and Diagnostics (110 papers) and collaborates with scholars based in Germany, Austria and United States. Ferenc Krausz's co-authors include Christian Spielmann, A. Apolonski, Vladimir Pervak, Vladislav S. Yakovlev and Reinhard Kienberger and has published in prestigious journals such as Nature, Science and Physical Review Letters
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