Peter Dia­mond

137 papers and 12.3k indexed citations i.


Peter Dia­mond has authored 137 papers that have received a total of 12.3k indexed citations. This includes 88 papers in Economics and Econometrics, 52 papers in Accounting and 23 papers in General Health Professions. The topics of these papers are Financial Literacy, Pension, Retirement Analysis (49 papers), Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth (35 papers) and Economic theories and models (26 papers). Peter Dia­mond is often cited by papers focused on Financial Literacy, Pension, Retirement Analysis (49 papers), Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth (35 papers) and Economic theories and models (26 papers) and collaborates with scholars based in United States, Germany and United Kingdom. Peter Dia­mond's co-authors include James A. Mirrlees, Olivier Blanchard, Peter R. Orszag, Nicholas Barr and John Geanakoplos and has published in prestigious journals such as American Economic Review, The Quarterly Journal of Economics and Econometrica

In The Last Decade

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