University of Michigan–Ann Arbor

310.3k papers and 13.6M indexed citations i.


In recent decades, authors affiliated with University of Michigan–Ann Arbor have published 310.3k papers, which have received a total of 13.6M indexed citations. Scholars at this organization have produced 41.6k papers in Molecular Biology, 22.7k papers in Surgery and 18.3k papers in Epidemiology on the topics of Health disparities and outcomes (3.1k papers), Astro and Planetary Science (2.8k papers) and Healthcare Policy and Management (2.6k papers). Their work is cited by papers focused on Molecular Biology (2.2M citations), Surgery (884.8k citations) and Epidemiology (837.4k citations). Authors at University of Michigan–Ann Arbor collaborate with scholars in United States, China and United Kingdom and have published in prestigious journals including Nature, Science and Cell. Some of University of Michigan–Ann Arbor's most productive authors include Gabriel Núñez, Daniel J. Klionsky, Nicholas A. Kotov, Randal J. Kaufman and Steven L. Kunkel

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